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CLASSIFIEDS - Legal Notices
Notice To Creditors Estate of Henrietta Gonzales, Deceased. Case Number 2024PR703. All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before 07/13/2025, or the claims may be forever barred. Edward A. Romero 3980 Adams St. Strasburg, CO 80136
Notice to patients of Dr Craig Stimson, DC. If you have not been treated by Dr Stimson for 7 years your records will be destroyed. Contact my office within 30 days at 303 691-1771 if you want your records.
Name change notice. Saron Alemayehu Abuye is changing name to Abel Alemayehu Abuye. Denver County Court 1437 Bannock St Denver March 21, 2025 Case # 25CO0216 Court Rm 186
Notice of name change Amber Michelle Miller be changed to Samwell O'Kelly Leaf. Denver County Court 1437 Bannock st Denver 3/21 Case # 25CO 0247
Notice of Name Change Cherie Jo Jones is changing to Cheri Jo Cruz. Filed on 3/21/25 at Denver County Court 1437 Bannock St Denver. Court Rm 176 Case # 25CO3424